Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the United Kingdom (“the Act”).  It sets out the steps which KIKKOMAN TRADING EUROPE GmbH (“KTE”) has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not conducted within its own business and supply chain during the fiscal year ended 31st March 2024.

Organizational structure and business

KTE is established in Germany and part of the Kikkoman Group of Japan. KTE’s primary business is the distribution of Kikkoman products, namely Kikkoman Soy Sauce, mainly in European markets including the United Kingdom.

Supply chain

KTE sources a range of products from suppliers around the world including related companies within the Kikkoman Group and third party suppliers. KTE strives to maintain the highest level of ethical standards for each transaction with all of its suppliers.

Policies, principles and actions

KTE’s commitment to eliminating slavery and human trafficking is embodied in the following policies and actions.

Kikkoman Group Management Principles included in the Kikkoman Group Corporate Report.

Due diligence process

As part of its initiative to identify and mitigate risk, KTE sends letters to its suppliers to confirm that each supplier understands the requirements of the Act and ensures to respect human rights in employment and to follow ethical standards.

Risk analysis and training

KTE is in the process of initiating a thorough risk analysis of slavery and human trafficking in its own supply chain.  As an initial step to increase employee awareness, the Kikkoman Group Code of Conduct has been prominently posted within the office to help ensure an understanding of internal policies. In 2020, in order to raise the awareness of employees regarding compliance issues and the maintenance of social order, KTE conducted internal training highlighting the absolute necessity to observe laws, corporate rules and social morals, in addition to acting with commonsense even when certain actions are not against the law.  It will also take additional steps to conduct training to its employees and suppliers to further raise awareness of the Act.

This statement was approved by KIKKOMAN TRADING EUROPE GmbH’s directors on 31 October 2024.

Signed by the following on 31 October 2024:

Hidekazu Yoshihashi
Managing Director

Masahiro Kobayashi
General Manager

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