Thai wok curry with beef with coconut

Total time 30 mins
20 mins preparation time
10 mins cooking time

This Thai style quick beef and coconut curry is fragrant and not too spicy, It is the perfect family meal


4 portion(s)
400 g
trimmed beef steak, cut into wok strips
Oil for browning
2 tsp
green Thai curry paste
tin coconut milk
200 g
button mushrooms
green chillies, de-seeded
125 g
baby corn
125 g
sugar snaps
 ½ bunch
fresh coriander


Step 1

Cut mushrooms into slices, chilli in strips, halve the baby corn and sugar snaps lengthways.

Step 2

Heat the oil in a wok and brown the meat on both sides in a little oil in the wok and put it to one side.

Step 3

Stir curry paste into 2 tbsp of the solid coconut milk over a medium heat until it begins to smell fragrant and separates.

Step 4

Add mushrooms and fry for 2 mins. Return the meat to the wok, add the rest of the coconut milk, chilli and soy and boil for 2 mins.

Step 5

Add baby corn and sugar snaps and cook for 2 mins so the vegetables are al dente.

Recipe-ID: UK92

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Cut mushrooms into slices, chilli in strips, halve the baby corn and sugar snaps lengthways.

Heat the oil in a wok and brown the meat on both sides in a little oil in the wok and put it to one side.

Stir curry paste into 2 tbsp of the solid coconut milk over a medium heat until it begins to smell fragrant and separates.

Add mushrooms and fry for 2 mins. Return the meat to the wok, add the rest of the coconut milk, chilli and soy and boil for 2 mins.

Add baby corn and sugar snaps and cook for 2 mins so the vegetables are al dente.

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