Japanese Gunkan Maki recipe

Total time 25 mins
25 mins preparation time

Gunkan Maki is a traditional type of Japanese sushi consisting of a ball of rice, wrapped in seaweed, or in this case smoked salmon, and topped with fish roe. It is quite easy to make and so ideal for sushi novices!


4 portion(s)
90 g
cooked and seasoned sushi rice
5 slice(s)
of smoked salmon
30 g
18 slice(s)
of cucumber
18 g
cream cheese

For dipping:


For each sushi form approx. 15 g sushi rice into a cylinder with your fingers and the palm of your hand. Wrap a slice of smoked salmon around the sushi and spread a little cream cheese on top. Garnish with cucumber and caviar.

Recipe-ID: UK17

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For each sushi form approx. 15 g sushi rice into a cylinder with your fingers and the palm of your hand. Wrap a slice of smoked salmon around the sushi and spread a little cream cheese on top. Garnish with cucumber and caviar.

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