Cornish pasties

Total time 85 mins
25 mins preparation time
60 mins cooking time

These amazing Cornish pasties feature Kikkoman Soy Sauce to add an element of umami to the dish. Created by the wonderful TV chef Dean Edwards especially for Kikkoman - watch the video below. Eat hot or cold for lunch.


4 portion(s)


150 g
skirt steak 1cm dice
150 g
potatoes 1cm dice
150 g
swede 1cm dice
150 g
onion diced
20 g
soft butter
Freshly ground black pepper
beaten egg (for egg wash)

Shortcrust pastry (or use shop-bought):

450 g
plain flour
200 g
unsalted butter
small eggs
30 ml


Step 1

To make the pastry, sift flour then add butter and work to a bread crumb texture, add egg and milk and knead to smooth dough. Wrap in clingfilm and chill for 30 mins.

Step 2

Marinade the diced beef in the Kikkoman Soy Sauce for at least two hours, then lift out and combine with the other ingredients and mix well.

Step 3

Roll out pastry to the thickness of a £1 coin and using a plate cut into a round approx 15 cm. Re-roll and repeat until you have 4 rounds.

Step 4

Divide the filling between the centres of each pastry, season with lots of black pepper. Seal edge of pastry with water and crimp. Egg wash and bake in a pre heated oven set at 220/200°C fan / gas mark 7 for 20 mins, lower heat to 170/150°C fan / gas mark 3 and bake for a further 40 mins.

Step 5

Serve with a watercress salad and red onion chutney.

Recipe-ID: UK26

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To make the pastry, sift flour then add butter and work to a bread crumb texture, add egg and milk and knead to smooth dough. Wrap in clingfilm and chill for 30 mins.

Marinade the diced beef in the Kikkoman Soy Sauce for at least two hours, then lift out and combine with the other ingredients and mix well.

Roll out pastry to the thickness of a £1 coin and using a plate cut into a round approx 15 cm. Re-roll and repeat until you have 4 rounds.

Divide the filling between the centres of each pastry, season with lots of black pepper. Seal edge of pastry with water and crimp. Egg wash and bake in a pre heated oven set at 220/200°C fan / gas mark 7 for 20 mins, lower heat to 170/150°C fan / gas mark 3 and bake for a further 40 mins.

Serve with a watercress salad and red onion chutney.

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