Bloody Kikk in the Pants Cocktail
Bloody Kikk in the Pants Cocktail

Bloody Kikk in the Pants Cocktail

5 1 ratings
Total time1 min


1 portion(s)
50 ml
50 ml
Tomato juice
pieces cucumber
1 pinch
of Shichimi salt
10 ml
10 ml
10 ml
of Tabasco


Step 1

Muddle cucumber with the salt and Tabasco, pour rest of ingredients in and shake.

Step 2

Pour into an empty Kikkoman bottle or a tall glass.

Step 3

Garnish with cucumber or lemon wedge and the salt on the rim to present.

Recipe-ID: 813

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Muddle cucumber with the salt and Tabasco, pour rest of ingredients in and shake.

Pour into an empty Kikkoman bottle or a tall glass.

Garnish with cucumber or lemon wedge and the salt on the rim to present.

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