BBQ chicken teriyaki skewers with peanut dip recipe

Total time 35 mins
15 mins preparation time
20 mins cooking time

A quick and easy recipe for barbecue chicken skewers with a homemade teriyaki sauce and a peanut dipping sauce. You could use Kikkoman Teriyaki Marinade if you don't want to make your own.


4 portion(s)
5 tbsp
1 tbsp
white balsamic vinegar
chicken breasts, cut into cubes
2 tbsp
rapeseed oil
150 g
peanut butter
130 ml
of water
100 g
peanuts, dry roasted in a pan
kebab skewers


Step 1

For the teriyaki sauce, put 4 tbsp of Kikkoman soy sauce, honey and balsamic vinegar in a saucepan and reduce by half over a gentle heat.

Step 2

In the meantime, skewer the cubes of chicken and brush with rapeseed oil.

Step 3

For the dip, mix peanut butter in a bowl with water and 3 tbsp of Kikkoman soy sauce and stir until smooth. Chop the peanuts, stir in and pour the peanut dip into a bowl. Quarter the limes.

Step 4

Grill or barbecue the chicken skewers while brushing with the teriyaki sauce until cooked through

Step 5

Arrange the finished chicken teriyaki skewers on a platter and serve with peanut dip and lime wedges.

Recipe-ID: UK71

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For the teriyaki sauce, put 4 tbsp of Kikkoman soy sauce, honey and balsamic vinegar in a saucepan and reduce by half over a gentle heat.

In the meantime, skewer the cubes of chicken and brush with rapeseed oil.

For the dip, mix peanut butter in a bowl with water and 3 tbsp of Kikkoman soy sauce and stir until smooth. Chop the peanuts, stir in and pour the peanut dip into a bowl. Quarter the limes.

Grill or barbecue the chicken skewers while brushing with the teriyaki sauce until cooked through

Arrange the finished chicken teriyaki skewers on a platter and serve with peanut dip and lime wedges.

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